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Looking for a bass player in Munich

Looking for a bass player in Munich

Hi all,

We are Baggage Claim and we recently parted ways with our bass player. We write our own songs and play those, as well as covers. The genre is alternative/hard rock. We only published one song so far, but it should give you an idea of the genre:

We are looking for a bass player in Munich. We are quite committed, so this is not just a fun hobby thing for us. You don't need to be too good, we will have plenty of time to practice together, it's just you need to be ready to invest some real time. Here's a breakdown of what we would need from you:

- Saturdays 11am-5pm (usually we finish earlier, but we each reserve this time frame from our lives)
- When you first join, we will ask you to learn 1-2 of our songs every week so we can practice them in the studio, and "onboard" you in 4-5 weeks
- We are renting a studio (it's in Allach-Untermenzing so it takes ~45 minutes to get there), and it costs us 135€ monthly, so you would take over 1/4th of that (33.75€). We have a splitwise so it's easy to manage and there's usually no urgency. There's a bass amp there as well.

We are 1 drummer, 2 guitars. 1 guitar also sings.

Regarding songwriting, we also write bass parts so you don't have to, but if you want to of course you can contribute to composing or come up with your own stuff.

We are generally quite relaxed and chill. All there is, is to take learning the song for the next Saturday during the week seriously, and being there on time on Saturday. We also meet on Thursdays for producing, but you don't have to, but again if you want to you're welcome to do so.

We started in 2022 and we were on a Hiatus due to master's theses and life, but now we're back (without a bassist this time though) and want to get things rolling with the summer coming. There are 2 goals now:
- Get a setlist of 20 songs (10 own, 10 covers) to restart going on stages.
- Record and publish songs as efficiently as we can
We have our own recording gear etc. and one of us is a producer, so no cost on that. Just the monthly studio.
So you can take as much part and control as you want, it's just that the minimum is what's listed above as we are already taking care of the rest.
#anfanger, #hobby, #semi-profi, #berufsmusiker, #bass
Anzeige vom 03.03.2025
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