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Only for Career-minded Sängerinnen Do you REALLY want to "get somewhere" and not remain stuck in pl...
Only for Career-minded Sängerinnen
Do you REALLY want to "get somewhere" and not remain stuck in place as a typically incorrectly informed minimally ambitious European?
Fortune magazine:
‘Americans just work harder’ than Europeans, says CEO of Norway’s $1.6 trillion oil fund, because they have a higher ‘general level of ambition’
.... why he invests in USA and NOT in EU !
We are re-starting our Major International Label Previously Signed Band here in Europe and need one more fully independent Attractive Smart Young & Fit-Looking/Thinking/Acting Singer-Musician Woman as a main stage-center member!
.... who wants to help Fix the World with her Natural Happy Persona shown in her Singing Performances in a signed and promoted Band with Positive High Goal
Show Us What Ya' Got .... and we'll Show it to the World!
Do you REALLY want to "get somewhere" and not remain stuck in place as a typically incorrectly informed minimally ambitious European?
Fortune magazine:
‘Americans just work harder’ than Europeans, says CEO of Norway’s $1.6 trillion oil fund, because they have a higher ‘general level of ambition’
.... why he invests in USA and NOT in EU !
We are re-starting our Major International Label Previously Signed Band here in Europe and need one more fully independent Attractive Smart Young & Fit-Looking/Thinking/Acting Singer-Musician Woman as a main stage-center member!
.... who wants to help Fix the World with her Natural Happy Persona shown in her Singing Performances in a signed and promoted Band with Positive High Goal
Show Us What Ya' Got .... and we'll Show it to the World!
#gesang-allgemein, #berufsmusiker
Anzeige vom 15.05.2024
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Gesang, allgemein
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8004 Zürich
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