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13.08.2024 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

*Bassist Wants to Be in a Band Again*

Hi everyone - Ädem here! :)

I'd love to join a band or start one. I have 9 years of band experience and have performed in front of several hundred people.

My playing style: I’m a bassist who enjoys alternating between playing in the background and stepping into the spotlight. ;)

My approach to composing: I’m a spiritual person. I’d like to compose songs that combine personal experiences with the teachings of philosophers and gurus, or generally with enlightening lessons.
(Example of inspiration: You are a "bad person" causing trouble --> you start disidentifying with the "bad person" --> you completely separate your identity from the "bad person" and discover a new side of yourself --> you acknowledge the "bad person," because it was only trying to protect you.)

My personal motivation: In my opinion, as a society, we are generally doing worse. This is also backed by statistics on mental health, without addressing any specific topic. I’d like to make a positive contribution to the world by spreading "healing vibes" through music (among other things).

Genre: Since I want to reach as many people as possible, I want to use pop as the base genre. Depending on the song, elements from other genres like Indie, House, Rap, (Alternative-/Hard-)Rock, and EDM may be added.

Did I catch anyone’s interest? :)

By the way, I’m 26 years old, my name is pronounced "Adam" like in English, and I’ve transitioned from biotechnology to IT consulting as a profession. In theory, we could also practice at my place on a smaller scale!

Feel free to spread the word to your friends!

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