Ed Richwood
Ed Richwood is an unorthodox vocal coach, recording artist (listen here: Spotify or iTunes), and multi-instrumentalist producer with 20 years of experience settled in Berlin, Germany. He studied in one of the bests schools in the world for modern music: Berklee College of Music. Besides he was trained with 8 great singing teachers, he is also an expert with modern singing techniques.
After he studied every valuable method on earth, he started discovering new improved exercises and techniques based in his own experience and the real needs of the students. Instead of teaching a program for years, he identify the needs of the student and apply only the techniques needed to succeed in the shortest time possible.
After years of searching sincerely improved ways of learning and teaching the art of singing, he developed on his own improved exercises, new concepts and techniques, and based in the dramatic improvement of the students and their successful stories, it is becoming a revolutionary new singing program.
Private Lessons
Lessons in person (Berlin)
in English
>>>to schedule a trial lesson just write me to: SingAsGoodAsYouWant@gmail.com
-I compromise with results. It could sound obvious, but the truth is that most teachers don't. I do, because my pedagogy is based on the success of the student, and I don't force any voice to fit in a particular methodology. I'm based on natural training, and that is always personal. I apply the best methods to fit the students voice. In the first meeting, I check the state of the voice and establish the different strategies to get results as fast as possible. After all, we are looking for facts.
-(Almost) everybody can sing like a star. The most talented people in this world had said, repeatedly, that talent is a consequence of passionate and patient work. A voice is something that has to be discovered through constant practice. A bad voice is just the ignorance of one's voice possibilities, and lack of interest in the practice. To be off key, struggling while singing, or even an annoying voice... every problem has a solution!
-Singing is magic and it's based on joy. To accomplish this, I will rely on the student's feelings to choose the songs that recalls his highest emotional states. And I will use all the techniques to sing the repertory with easiness, to let the passion appear. Instead of building an artificial voice made of tricks to compensate the lack of feelings.
>>>to schedule a trial lesson just write me to: SingAsGoodAsYouWant@gmail.com
-I sing along with the student to accelerate the process of learning. It can also sound strange, but almost no teacher sings along with the student, because they simply can't even do what they teach, or they are afraid to lose their voices by overusing it (what simply shows a lack of good technique and some laziness =) )
-I make the practice easy.I also give personalized tracks (audio,mp3) that I record specially for the student, every week. That makes practicing something easy and funny, because you can sing along with the exercises comfortably in your home. There is no extra charge for this.
-YOUR SUCCESS IS MY SUCCESS. I want to create the best method in the world and give everybody the chance to became the singer that they dream to be. To accomplish that, I base my work on giving only the best service, helping all my students to find their genius potential, step by step, success by success. I'm proud to offer, from my perspective, the best singing training in the world, the one that I would have loved to found before, and it's made only with the dreams, practice and success of my students.
-Affordable QUALITY singing training. I had great teachers, and they had charged also great money. But I'm more ambitious than that and I want to create the best singing method. To do that I have to be affordable. I want to select my students, but not by their money, only by their true passion. To make you an idea of the market prices per hour: pro-level teacher charges from 60€ to 300€, a good teacher around 40€ to 50€, and an average teacher around 30€ for a private lesson. And most of them don't compromise with results, so you can study for 2 years and don't even know what are you doing or where are you going.
I'm centered not in the money, only to give the best service, because that is my dream and it is paid in many ways besides money. And to make it a revolutionary method I have to charge as low as possible to have access to the best students. The faster possible changes in a voice training came after 6 months, and as my teaching is only centered in results, the student take the compromise of 6 months, and I take the compromise of real results and the minimum price, please check the chart in the next section.
>>>to schedule a trial lesson just write me to: SingAsGoodAsYouWant@gmail.com
30€ für regelmäßig Unterricht
10117 Berlin
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